Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning....

Hello, I'm Michelle. I'm wife to Evan and mother to Jessica. We're Americans (currently in Maryalnd) getting ready to move to Germany. I know that a good many people have moved to Germany, but I thought my experiences might be helpful to anybody else considering the move. I've had a lot of resources at my fingertips, but none of them cover my situation exactly. This blog will probably not cover your situation exactly, either, but it might give you another perspective, and perhaps some hints that aren't in your other books. Max works for our government, and is lucky enough that spots in other countries occasionally open up which he could fill. Jess is 10 now, and we decided this would be the perfect time for us to move. She's old enough now that she can really enjoy and remember living there, but not so old yet that she hates us. We homeschool, so we figure this is a perfect learning opportunity.

Since we're government, we'll get to use a lot of the military stuff. So, for some things (like car shipping), my experiences will be very close to those of the military. For others, it will be more on the civilian side.

We have decided that Evan would go over first, while Jess and I stayed behind for a couple of months. That way, he can get settled in his new job and find us a house. We lived in a hotel for three weeks when we moved to Hawaii last time, and it wasn't fun. Plus, we have three cats, and we didn't want to have to board them. They are cats with issues. So, Ev was leaving in mid-December, and Jess & I were going to leave in mid-February.

I'm going to post about all the trials and tribulations, so it will probably just sound like a complaining blog. But, I just want to make it so that maybe others can avoid these problems. I have moved "overseas" in the past, twice to Hawaii and back, with the military. So, I thought this wouldn't be too bad. I knew it would be more of a pain, but I didn't realize how much more.

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